
WP2 - Requirements definitions, architectural design, market and technology radar

D2.1 - ICOS ecosystem: Technologies, requirements and state of the art

This deliverable presents the outcomes of the work carried out by the activities T2.1 – Ecosystem identification: Baseline technologies; T2.2 – Compute continuum requirements definition and T2.3 – AI, data management and trust/security requirements. This document purpose is twofold, on one hand to discuss the Use Cases and User Stories that will define the ICOS development in terms of initial requirement elicitation and on the other hand to survey the relevant technologies and frameworks relevant for the implementation of ICOS and satisfaction of the elicited requirements.

D2.2 - ICOS Architecture Design (IT-1)

This document is the main outcome of the work carried out by the project's task "T2.4 – Architectural Design". The main goal of this task is the definition of an architecture for the ICOS System based on the analysis of the requirements, use cases, and objectives expressed in the deliverable "D2.1 - ICOS ecosystem: Technologies, requirements and state of the art (IT-1)".

The deliverable defines the main architectural components of the ICOS architecture and describes their functionalities, properties, and interactions, as well as how they address all the functional and quality requirements.

D2.3 - ICOS ecosystem: Technologies, requirements and state of the art

This document presents a detailed exploration of the Intelligent Cloud-Oriented Services (ICOS) ecosystem, addressing its underlying technologies, requirements, and current advancements. This document is meticulously structured to guide stakeholders through the various facets of ICOS, from its fundamental concepts to practical applications and state-of-the-art solutions.

D2.4 - ICOS Architectural Design (IT-2)

This deliverable presents the final architecture for the complete ICOS System leveraging and extending the work carried out by the Consortium within the first project iteration (M1-M18), aimed at reviewing and updating the preliminary architecture introduced in the document “D2.2 - ICOS Architectural Design (IT-1)”, that was defined to satisfy the requirements elicited in the document “D2.1 - ICOS ecosystem: Technologies, requirements and state of the art (IT-1)”. The proposed architecture includes the whole set of functionalities needed to achieve the project’s objectives and to address the project’s use cases’ needs.

WP3 - Development of the Distributed Meta-kernal Layer Module

D3.1 - Meta-Kernel Layer Module Integrated (IT-1)

This document is a report on the design, development, and implementation of ICOS Meta-Kernel Layer Module for IT-1 delivery.

WP4 - Development of the intelligence Layer, Security Layer and Data Management Modules

D4.1 - Data management, Intelligence and Security Layers (IT-1)

The purpose of the document is to report on the design and implementation efforts done in WP4 in tasks T4.1 (Data Management), T4.2 (Intelligence Layer Module), T4.3 (Security Layer Module) and T4.4 (APIs and Interfaces) regarding the development of ICOS components Data Management, Intelligence and Security Layers in the period M06-M13. It also delivers the first version (IT-1) of the Data Management, Intelligence Layer and Security Layer software.

WP5 - Integration towards the ICOS Platform

D5.1 - ICOS Alpha Release

This document lays out details about the ICOS alpha release; the result of joint work under the umbrella of work package 5 which also allows for the presentation of the work that happened so far within the technical work packages 2-4. The main goal is to describe the software that is released for this first iteration, how it can be deployed, how the components interact with each other, and which functionalities are currently included as well as the resulting plans for the remainder of the project. This provides the reader with an overview on what can be expected from the alpha release and how.

D5.2 - ICOS Beta Release

This document describes and accompanies the second release of the ICOS software: the ICOS Beta release. The release has been delivered at project’s month 22, seven months after the first release ICOS Alpha. The ICOS Beta release was developed and integrated following the system architecture and the implementation plan, and incorporating changes implemented from the feedback received from the first evaluation of ICOS provided by the project’s Use Cases and the first project’s review.

WP6 - ICOS deployment, validation, demo strategy and final ICOS Platfrom release

D6.1 - Call Announcement and Guide for Applicants - First Open Call

This document is the deliverable D6.1 Call Announcement and Guide for Applicants - First Open Call and it defines the Open Call (OC) package of documents for the management of the first Open Call in order to initiate Cascade funding of the project and engage in the Financial Support to Third Parties (FSTP) part of the project.

D6.4 - Use Cases settings and demonstration strategy

This deliverable elicits ICOS functionalities requirements for each Use Case, considering expected outcomes from the technical WPs. The Use Cases that act as ICOS testbeds are described in detail in their Individual Use Case Plans (IUCPs) included in this document. These plans will be revisited in each iteration to assess their feasibility and to introduce new outcomes or deviations from the original proposal. The plan will include technical and business validation metrics, to assess technical requirements and ICOS business feasibility and impact. Adequate metrics will use quantitative and qualitative indicators to depict the degree of fulfilment of the requirements.

D6.6 - Call Announcement and Guide for Applicants - Second Open Call

This document is the deliverable D6.6 Call Announcement and Guide for Applicants - Second Open Call and it defines the Open Call package of documents for the management of the second Open Call in order to initiate Cascade funding of the project and engage in the Financial Support to Third Parties (FSTP) part of the project.

WP7 - Dissemination, Exploitation and Communities Engagement

D7.1 - ICOS Community

This document constitutes the report on the WP7 Task 7.4 of ICOS Community Building, and more specifically its creation and deployment. The document describes the relevance of ICOS Online Community in the ICOS project, as well as its purpose and a wide variety of functionalities, that invite users to participate, share content and find new ways to interact with each other. The members of this community will be players and amplifiers of the project, along with the voice of supportive partners and ambassadors.

D7.2 - Dissemination, communications, exploitation and communities engagement strategy

The purpose of this deliverable is to describe the activities in the area of dissemination, communications, exploitation, and communities’ engagement that have been started and the ones that are planned for the first and second year of the project. This happens on project-global level by delivering a joint exploitation strategy, as well as on partner level by laying out individual exploitation plans.

Funded by European UnionPart of EUCloudEdgeIoT.eu

This project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101070177.

©2024 ICOS Project