Introducing ClusterLink: Simplifying Multicluster Service Connectivity

by IBM | October 2024

Deploying microservice applications across multiple clusters offers many benefits. These include, for example, improved fault tolerance, increased scalability, performance and regulatory compliance. In addition, use of multiple locations may be required to access specialized hardware, services or data sources available only in those locations. Kubernetes SIG multicluster lists additional reasons for using multiple clusters.

When attempting to realize the benefits of multicluster applications, at least two aspects must be addressed: orchestration (sometimes referred to as “scheduling”) and connectivity. There are several existing open source projects providing these capabilities. For example, projects such as Open Cluster Management and KubeStellar simplify orchestration and management of workloads across multiple clusters.

In order to facilitate cross cluster communications, you could use Kubernetes native resources, including Ingress and Gateway API Or, alternatively, choose from a number of existing open source projects, such as Istio, Skupper and Submariner. By and large, these solutions attempt to conjoin the multiple clusters, flattening the isolated networks into a single flat “mesh” shared between the connected clusters. The goal is, to the extent possible, to extend the Kubernetes single cluster network abstraction into multicluster use cases.

The creation of a shared mesh is not always desirable and may place additional constraints on administrators, developers and the workloads they manage. For example, it might make assumptions that Kubernetes objects, such as Services, are the “same” based on the objects sharing a name (i.e., “namespace sameness” as defined by Istio and by SIG-MC), or require planning IP addresses assignment across independent clusters.

This post introduces ClusterLink, an open source project that offers a different design point in the multicluster networking solution space. We believe it provides a solution that is simpler to configure and operate, and offers more secure, scalable and performant control and data planes for multicluster service connectivity.

Introducing ClusterLink

ClusterLink offers a secure and performant solution to interconnect services across multiple clusters. It has a simple management model, built on the following abstractions:

  • Fabric: a set of collaborating clusters, all sharing the same root of trust. Clusters must be part of a fabric to enable multicluster networking.
  • Peer: a specific cluster in a fabric. Each peer is identified by a certificate, signed by the fabric’s certificate authority. Each peer makes independent decisions on service sharing and access control.
  • Export/Import: services must be explicitly shared by clusters before they can be used. A service can be imported by any number of peers. To increase availability or performance, a service can be exported by more than one peer.
  • Access policies: ClusterLink supports fine-grained segmentation with a “default deny” policy, adhering to “zero trust” principles. Access policies are used to explicitly allow and deny communications. Affected workloads are defined in terms of their attributes (such as location, environment, namespace or even labels) and have two priorities, with privileged (i.e., administrator defined, cluster scoped) policies evaluated before user-defined namespaced policies.

ClusterLink consists of several main components that work together to securely connect workloads across multiple Kubernetes clusters, both on-premises and on public clouds. These run as regular Kubernetes deployments and can take advantage of existing mechanisms such as horizontal scaling, rolling deployments, etc.

ClusterLink uses the Kubernetes API servers for its configuration store. The control plane is responsible for watching for changes in relevant built-in and custom resources and configuring the data plane Pods using Envoy’s xDS protocol. The control plane is also responsible for managing local Kubernetes services and endpoints corresponding to imported remote services. By using standard Kubernetes services, ClusterLink integrates seamlessly with the Kubernetes network model, and can work with any Kubernetes distribution, CNI and IP address management scheme.

The local service endpoints refer to data plane Pods, responsible for workload-to-service secure tunnels to other clusters. The data plane uses HTTP CONNECT with mutual TLS for security. The use of HTTPS over tcp/443 removes the need for VPNs and special firewall configurations. Certificate-based mTLS guarantees in-transit data encryption and limits allowed connections to other fabric peers only. In addition, all data plane connections between clusters are explicitly approved by the control plane and must pass independent egress and ingress access policies before any workload data is carried across.

Getting started with ClusterLink

To get started with ClusterLink, we invite you to explore the documentation and familiarize yourself with its concepts and operation. When ready, try out the getting started tutorial.

Read more

To read more bout this topic, you can read IBM's post on their own blog.

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Funded by European UnionPart of EUCloudEdgeIoT.eu

This project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101070177.

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