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Topology Metrics



Name Description Source
arch the architecture of the host It is extracted by the runtime.GOARCH value
hostname the hostname of the host
ip the ip of the host the ip of the host.
latitude the latitude coordinate of the host location
longitude the longitude coordinate of the host location
os the os of the host It is extracted by the runtime.GOOS value
common_tlum_labels ] common labels added by Telemetruum
system_labels ] common labels added by third party comopnents. Typically not useful



Name Description Source
label_* host labels in the format label_<name>=<value> See Host Labels section for more information on how to define these labels.
common_tlum_labels ] common labels added by Telemetruum
system_labels ] common labels added by third party comopnents. Typically not useful



Name Description Source
type Runtime type. Can be Kubernetes or Docker
version The runtime version
node_name The identifier of this host in the runtime (i.e. the node name in Kubernetes or the node id in docker swarm)
common_tlum_labels ] common labels added by Telemetruum
system_labels ] common labels added by third party comopnents. Typically not useful



Name Description Source
type The orchestrator type. Can be nuvla or ocm Guessed analyzing the processes running in the host
agent-id The identifier of the node/cluster in the orhcestrator
agent-name The name of the node/cluster in the orchestrtor
common_tlum_labels ] common labels added by Telemetruum
system_labels ] common labels added by third party comopnents. Typically not useful



Name Description Source
id The Kubernetes/Docker id for this workload The pod id (for Kubernetes) or the contaienr id (for Docker)
name The Kubernetes/Docker name for this workload For Kubernetes it is <pod_namespace>__<pod_name>.
For Docker it is the container name
icos_app_name The name of the ICOS User Application to which this workload belongs to Set by the Job Manager. See Custom configuration section for more information.
icos_app_component The name of the ICOS User Application's component to which this workload belongs to Set by the Job Manager. See Custom configuration section for more information.
icos_app_instance The instance id of the ICOS User Application to which this workload belongs to Set by the Job Manager. See Custom configuration section for more information.
icos_* Additional workload configuration values Kuberentes pod annotations or Docker container labels that match the <prefix><name>=<value> format.
See Custom configuration section for more information.
status The status of the workload. See the table below for a reference on possible statuses and their mapping to Kubernetes and Docker statuses The Kubernetes pod or the Docker container status
common_tlum_labels ] common labels added by Telemetruum
system_labels ] common labels added by third party comopnents. Typically not useful

Possible values for the status label

The status label can be one of the values indicated in the third column of the table. Its value for each workload is determined by the status of the Kubernetes Pod (for Kubernetes workloads) or Docker container (for Docker workloads)

Docker Container Status Kubernetes Pod Status --> status label
created, restarted, paused Pending --> pending
running Running --> running
exited Succeeded --> exited
dead Failed --> failed
-- Unknown --> unknown


Name Description Source
device the unique identifier of the device
resource_path the path at which the device is mounted
common_tlum_labels ] common labels added by Telemetruum
system_labels ] common labels added by third party comopnents. Typically not useful