An API HTTP REST is implemented to manage the communication and the work of the Dynamic Policy Manager.
All URIs are relative to http://localhost:8080/api/v1.
Mainly the Dynamic Policy Manager use in the first version the method get for to return one or all policies created, and post to create a new policies.
API calls for the DPM¶
Several API endpoints are provided in this component, as shown in the following. For a full definition of the URL and the schema on this REST calls see the Annexes documentation.
HTTP Request | Description |
GET/policies/{id} | Get a policy id |
GET/policies/ | Return the list of policies created/updated |
POST/policies/ | Add new policy |
GET/policies/status | Read items |
POST/alertmanager/ | AlertManager Webhooks |
POST/registry/icos | ICOS Process App descriptor |
- Parameters: an authorization access token is requested as String
- Request body is provided from the following schema;
AttributeName | Type | Description |
id | Long | Unique identifier of the deployment |
GET /registry/api/v1/policies/¶
- Parameters: an authorization access token is requested as String.
- No schema is provided.
- Parameters: an authorization access token is requested as String.
- Request body is provided from the following schema;
AttributeName | Type | Description |
subject | Subject[] | Provides a set of information about the type of application, name of the application, component and instance |
spec | Spec[] | Set of information about the template used |
action | Action[] | Set of information about the action to provided. [DEFAULT] is webhook. |
variables | Variables[] | [OPTIONAL] addtional properties. It can a string, an integer or a number. [DEFAULT] is {}. |
properties | Properties[] | [OPTIONAL] additional properties [DEFAULT] is {}. |
AttributeName | Type | Description |
type | const | Default is "app" Name of app |
appName | String | Name of app |
appComponent | String | Component of app |
appInstance | String | Instance of app |
AttributeName | Type | Description |
type description |
String | [DEFAULT] is empty |
type | Const | [DEFAULT] is template |
templateName | String | Name of template |
Http methods from the following RFCs are all observed:
- RFC 7231: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1), obsoletes 2616
- RFC 5789: PATCH Method for HTTP
AttributeName | Type | Description |
#0 | String | [OPTIONAL] |
#1 | integer | [OPTIONAL] |
#2 | number | [OPTIONAL] |
AttributeName | Type | Description |
oneoff | boolean | boolean |
interval | String | Interval where the policy should be acts |
pendingInterval | String | Information about the interval status |
- Parameters: authorization access token
- Request body is provided from the following schema:
AttributeName | Type | Description |
app_descriptor | App_descriptor[] | Object that provided a set of information. |
app_instance | String | Instance name of the app descriptor. |
common_action | Common_action[] | Object that provides a set of information about the service, specifically for the icos-service. |
service | String | name of the service |
AttributeName | Type | Description |
name | String | Name of the app descripton |
description | String | [DEFAULT] is “”. |
components | Components[] | Object that providesa a set of information about. |
policies | Policies[] | Object that provided a set of information about the policies |
name | Name of the component | Object that provided a set of information. |
type | String | Type of the component |
policies | policies[] | Array Object that providesa a set of information about the policies for the icos service.. [DEFAULT ] is empty : [] |
name | Name of the component | Object that provided a set of information. |
name | string | Name of the policies |
component | string | It can be Null |
fromTemplate | string | It can be null |
spec | Spec[] | Object provides a set of information about policies template, telemetry and constraints. |
remediation | string | It can be null |
variables | Variables[] | [DEFAULT] is {} |
properties | Properties[] | [DEFAULT] is {} |
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
uri | String | Link to the alermanager |
type | Const | [DEFAULT] is “icos-service” |
httpMethod | String | [DEFAULT] is “CONNECT” |
extraParams | [] | Additional properties. [DEFAULT] is empty {} |
includeAccessToken | boolean | Token to acces to the webhook, default is FALSE |
- Parameters: access token
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
version | String | |
groupKey | string | |
truncatedAlerts | 0 | |
status | String | |
receiver | String | |
groupLabels | GroupLabels[] | [DEFAULT] is {} |
commonLabels | CommonLabels[] | DEFAULT] is {} |
commonAnnotations | CommonAnnotations[] | DEFAULT] is {} |
externalURL | string | |
alerts | AlertsArray<object> | Array Object provides items as status, label, ... |
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
Additional properties | String | [DEFAULT] : {} |
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
Additional properties | String | [DEFAULT] : {} |
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
Additional properties | String | [DEFAULT] : {} |
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
Items | Items[] | - |
Items []
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
status | String | It can be null |
labels | Labels[] | Additional properties |
annotations | Annotations[] | Additional properties |
startsAt | String | It provides the date-times when the policies started. |
endsAt | String | It provides the date-time when the policies ended. |
generatorUrl | String | Url of the generator |
fingerprint | String | It can be null. |
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
Additional properties | String | [DEFAULT] : {} |
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
Additional properties | String | [DEFAULT] : {} |
- Parameters: access token
Designed and architecture refer to the deliverable D3.1 Meta-kernel Layer Module Developed (IT-1) provides about the implementation. API models and how to work refer to the deliverable D3.2 Metakernel Layer Module Develope (IT-2)