Documentation for ICOS Shell¶
Documentation for API Endpoints¶
All URIs are relative to http://localhost:8080/api/v3
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ControllerApi | addController | POST /controller/ | Adds a new controller |
ControllerApi | getControllers | GET /controller/ | Returns a list of controllers |
DefaultApi | getHealthcheck | GET /healthcheck | Health check |
DeploymentApi | createDeployment | POST /deployment/ | Creates a new deployment |
DeploymentApi | deleteDeploymentById | DELETE /deployment/{deploymentId} | Deletes a deployment |
DeploymentApi | getDeploymentById | GET /deployment/{deploymentId} | Find deployment by ID |
DeploymentApi | getDeployments | GET /deployment/ | Returns a list of deployments |
DeploymentApi | startDeploymentById | PUT /deployment/{deploymentId}/start | Starts a deployment |
DeploymentApi | stopDeploymentById | PUT /deployment/{deploymentId}/stop | Stops a deployment |
DeploymentApi | updateDeployment | PUT /deployment/{deploymentId} | Updates a deployment |
MetricsApi | getMetrics | GET /metrics/get | Returns a list of metric models |
MetricsApi | predictMetrics | POST /metrics/predict | Predict metrics development based on model and input metrics |
MetricsApi | trainMetrics | POST /metrics/train | Trains a model on a set of metrics |
ResourceApi | getResourceById | GET /resource/{resourceId} | Find resource by ID |
ResourceApi | getResources | GET /resource/ | Returns a list of resources |
UserApi | loginUser | GET /user/login | Logs user into the system |
UserApi | logoutUser | GET /user/logout | Logs out current logged in user session |
Documentation for Models¶
Documentation for Authorization¶
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: api_key
- Location: HTTP header