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Example: Zenoh multi-storages demo for ICOS 3rd F2F, Athens

This demo shows zenoh network that publish data from a python publisher, there is a subscriber who consumes the data, there are also two storages technologies, in-memory storage and influxDB storage which saves timeseries data.

In this demo you will see Zenoh deployed using docker-compose and InfluxDB docker image.

Zenoh Demo

How to run the demo.

Step by step guide on reproducing the demo.

  1. Clone the zenoh-getting-started repository, from the ICOS GitLab repository.
git clone
  1. Go to the project directoy and start the docker-compose.yml as follows:
cd zenoh-getting-started
docker compose up -d
  1. Open the Docker Desktop app, and see that the pub service is publishing data.

  2. Check that the subscriber service sub is receiving the data.

  3. Run the get service, and observe the latest data being recover.

  4. Run the get_ts time-series get() with a time filter of the last 10 seconds of data i.e. (now - 10sec). and observe that the last 10 records are recovered.