Example: Zenoh multi-storages demo for ICOS 3rd F2F, Athens¶
This demo shows zenoh network that publish data from a python publisher, there is a subscriber who consumes the data, there are also two storages technologies, in-memory storage and influxDB storage which saves timeseries data.
In this demo you will see Zenoh deployed using docker-compose and InfluxDB docker image.
How to run the demo.¶
Step by step guide on reproducing the demo.
- Clone the
repository, from the ICOS GitLab repository.
- Go to the project directoy and start the
as follows:
Open the Docker Desktop app, and see that the
service is publishing data. -
Check that the subscriber service
is receiving the data. -
Run the
service, and observe the latest data being recover. -
Run the
time-series get() with a time filter of the last 10 seconds of data i.e. (now - 10sec). and observe that the last 10 records are recovered.