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Install the ICOS Worker Suite

The ICOS Worker Suite installs all the ICOS mandatory (and some optional) components needed for an ICOS Worker. The table below summarizes the components installed by the Suite.

Component Purpose Mandatory
Telemetruum Leaf Agent for the ICOS Telemetry
DataClay Agent for the ICOS Data Management
Telemetry DataClay Bridge Bridge to make telemetry data available in the Data Management

Depending on the runtime platform (Docker or Kubernetes) and the orchestrator used, different installation methods are available (see below).

OCM Installation

The installation of the ICOS Worker SUite in a Kubernetes (or compatible) cluster is done using the ICOS Worker Suite Helm Chart.

As a prerequisite, Helm must be installed to use the chart (follow the instructions in the Helm's documentation to get started).

The Helm Chart accepts many values that can be used to customize the installation and enable/disable some features. More documentation can be found on GitHub.

Create a values.yaml file with the following values:

  # Configuration of the ICOS Agent to which this Worker will join
    routing: host

  # ICOS CA Root Certificate (in base64 encoding). Optional, only needed if HTTPS
  # protocol is used in the ICOS Agent URL
      bundle: LS0tLS1CR....0tLS0tCg

# Optional: specify custom labels to assign to all nodes of this Worker
      my_label: my_value

In particular:

  • the global.agent.url and global.agent.routing values are mandatory and are needed to determin to which endpoint this ICOS Worker will register. These values can be retrieved from the ICOS Agent Suite's helm values.

Run the Helm installation command (making sure that the correct kubernetes config file is taken):

helm install --namespace icos-system --create-namespace wrk1 oci:// --values values.yaml


In order to upgrade the Telemetruum Leaf to the latest version, run the same command replacing install with upgrade.

Development version

Note: In order to install versions not yet released, the url of the chart needs to be changed to


In addition, since unreleased versions are private, you need to login to the repository before launching the install command:

helm registry login and provide your credentials.

If the installation was successful, a set of pod should have been started in the cluster and telemetry data for this agent should be sent to the controller and being visible in the ICOS Agent View Dashboard

> kubectl get pods -n icos-system
NAME                                                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
wrk1-kube-state-metrics-564bcff5b6-kc2b4                       1/1     Running   0          16h
wrk1-prometheus-node-exporter-5jhxp                            1/1     Running   0          16h
wrk1-prometheus-node-exporter-gbs5x                            1/1     Running   0          16h
wrk1-telemetruum-leaf-otel-node-agent-7wt8x                    1/1     Running   0          3h3m
wrk1-telemetruum-leaf-otel-node-agent-mknbd                    1/1     Running   0          3h2m
wrk1-telemetruum-leaf-otel-target-allocator-64bf5694dc-ghvcz   1/1     Running   0          16h
wrk1-telemetruum-leaf-telemetruum-leaf-exporter-6z6n4          1/1     Running   0          3h3m
wrk1-telemetruum-leaf-telemetruum-leaf-exporter-8qgkt          1/1     Running   0          3h3m

Nuvla Installation

For workers that uses the Nuvla orchestrator, the installation of the ICOS Worker Suite should be done through the Nuvla portal using the two Nuvla Apps ICOS Worker Suite - Docker or ICOS Worker Suite - Kubernetes depending on the worker runtime platform.

The procedure is the following:

  1. Login to
  2. Select Apps
  3. Select the ICOS Worker Suite - Docker or ICOS Worker Suite - Kubernetes App: NuvlaEdge

  4. Deploy the App to your NuvlaEdge as provided in the NuvlaEdge User Guide

When preparing the deployment, some environment variables and configuration files need to be customized:

  • for the Kuberentes app:

    Variable Description
    ICOS_AGENT_URL Mandatory. URL of the ICOS Agent
    ICOS_AGENT_ROUTING Optional. Defaults to host
    ICOS_CORE_CA_BUNDLE Optional. The ICOS CA Root Cert
    ICOS_PROJECT_LABEL Custom value for the project labael

    Values are the same used for the OCM installation. Please refer to the OCM Section

  • for the Docker app:

    Variable Description
    ICOS_TELEMETRUUM_GATEWAY_ENDPOINT Mandatory. The endpoint to send telemetry. This is derived from the ICOS Agent URL, but it is not the same
    ICOS_TELEMETRUUM_LEAF_EXTRA_ARGS Optional. Additional arguments. For instance to set a label --static-host-label test_static=docker-staging
    File Content
    extracertsbundle.pem ICOS CA Root Cert in PEM format

Other variables are available to further customize the installation.

Nuvla ICOS Worker Suite - Kuberentes


The Worker Suite instllation can be customized enabling/disabling some components or manually setting some worker properties.

Host Labels and Location

Temetry module will work well in most of the cases with the default configuration and will discover automatically some information on the device (e.g., ip, location, labels).

It is possible to manually override some of this data in various way described in the Host Configuration section.

Energy Consumption Metrics

Energy consumption metrics are disabled by default. They can be activated (if supported by device CPU) with the following value:

    enabled: true|false