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ClusterLink Installation Guide

The information here is based on ClusterLink documentation.

ClusterLink simplifies the connection between application services that are located in different domains, networks, and cloud infrastructures.

For each cluster where clusterlink will run, install clusterlink on the master machine.

Run the installation script:

curl -L | sh -

Check the installation by running the command:

clusterlink –-version

This is a one-time procedure to build a clusterlink fabric to connect multiple clusters.

Log in to the master machine on your first cluster.

Create a directory named ClusterLink.

From inside the ClusterLink directory, create the fabric’s certificate authority (CA) certificate and private key

clusterlink create fabric

This will create a fabric with the default name: defaut_fabric. This command will create the CA files cert.pem and key.pem in a directory named defaut_fabric. These files will be needed to create clusterlink peers on each cluster where clusterlink is installed.

Perform the following procedure on the master node of each cluster added to the fabric (including the first cluster).

Ensure you have a ClusterLink directory with subdirectory default_fabric containing files cert.pem and key.pem.

If necessary, copy these files from the original clusterlink fabric installation.


Create a peer certificate

Choose <peer_name> to be <ICOS Agent ID>-<ICOS Cluster Name>.

Run the following commands from the ClusterLink directory.

clusterlink create peer-cert --name <peer_name>

Verify that the directory default_fabric/<peer_name> was created with files cert.pem and key.pem in that directory.


clusterlink deploy peer --name <peer_name>

Verify that the ClusterLink control and data plane components are running.

It may take a few seconds for the deployments to be successfully created.

kubectl rollout status deployment cl-controlplane -n clusterlink-system
kubectl rollout status deployment cl-dataplane -n clusterlink-system

Apply an access policy to allow other clusterLink peers to connect.

kubectl apply -f policy.yaml

For policy.yaml, use the following:

kind: AccessPolicy
  name: allow-policy
  namespace: default
  action: allow
    - workloadSelector: {}
    - workloadSelector: {}

Set up peers between clusters

See example here.

For each peer to which you want to connect, prepare a peer-<peer-name>.yaml file.

It may be easiest to copy some existing peer* files (scp from existing installation, ~/ClusterLink directory) to the ClusterLink directory. Install existing peers on new cluster and install new cluster as a peer on existing clusters that may use resources on the new cluster.

kubectl apply -f peer-xxxx.yaml

The peer-xxxx.yaml file looks like this:

kind: Peer
  name: <peer-name>
  namespace: clusterlink-system
    - host: <peer-address>
      port: 30443
The fields that must be adjusted per instance are the name and host fields.

Export / Import

When running an application, define Export and Import of services between peers / clusters. (This should be done by the Deployment Manager.) See example here.

To export a service on a cluster, create a service-export.yaml that looks like this:

kind: Export
  name: <service-name>
  namespace: <service-namespace>
  port: <port-number>

kubectl apply -f service-export.yaml
To import a service on a cluster, create a service-import.yaml that looks like this:

kind: Import
  name: <service-name>
  namespace: <service-namespace>
  port: <port-number>
    - exportName:       <service-name>>
      exportNamespace:  <service-namespace>
      peer:             <peer-name>
kubectl apply -f service-import.yaml
clusterlink delete peer –name <peer_name>