Deploy the ICOS Core¶
The ICOS Core Suite deploys the three services needed to bootstrap a new ICOS Continuum:
the ICOS CA: responsible for issuing TLS certificates to all continuum services,
the ICOS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service: used to authenticate and authorize requests and users in the continuum,
the ICOS Lightouse: used to register ICOS Controllers to the system.
The ICOS Core Suite is an Helm chart that deploys and configures the three components.
The installation of a new ICOS Core is done in multiple steps because some configuration parameters are generated during the deployment itself. In particuar, in the first step the CA's Root Certificate is generated and it is used in the following steps to configure the certificates issuer component.
A full guide with more deployemnt schemas and options is available in the Developers guide.
Helm and Kuebctl commands
All Helm and Kubectl commands in this page assumes that the Kubernetes configuration of the cluster where to perform the installation is available in the default location (~/.kube/config
) or specified through the KUBECONFIG
env variable. Refer to the Helm Guide for more options.
In the example, the icos-core
namespace and the core1
release name will be used. They can be customized if needed.
Step 1 - Install the Suite (without the Certificates Issuer)¶
In this step, the ICOS Core Suite is installed using Helm, but the Certificates Issuer component will be disabled and will be installed during the next steps.
Create a values.yaml
file to sepficy how to expose the ICOS Core services (for an in-depth guide see the Services Exposure section):
The values for url
, routing
and icos-ingress-controller
must be carefully chosen since they will determin how the services of the ICOS Core will be exposed. Make sure to read carefully and fully understand the guide to these values in the Developers Guide.
In the provided example, services will be exposed using a LoadBalancer service routing the different services using DNS names.
The default values, will also create two Kubernetes Persistent Volumes to store IAM db and CA db. They can be disabled using the following Helm values:
Keep in mind that disabling persistence can be dangerous because data (users and certificates database) will be lost in case of restart of the pods.Now, run the installation command with:
helm install --namespace icos-core --create-namespace core1 oci:// --values values.yaml --set icos-ingress-controller.step-issuer.icos-issuer.enabled=false
Step 2 - Initialize the IAM Service¶
After the keycloak
pod is ready, it is possible to access the Keycloak Web Administration Console from the browser to configure it. The exact URL to access the console, will depend on the url
and routing
Helm values chosen for the installation.
The user for Keycloak is icos-admin
The default password for the admin user is autogenerated and can be retrieved with the following command:
kubectl get secret -n icos-core core1-iam-passwords -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 -d
After the login:
Create a new realm for the ICOS Continuum (e.g. "my-icos-continuum").
Create a new Client named
with "Client Authentication" and "Authorization" capabilities enabled.

- Add the
scope as default for the new client: goto thelighthouse
client details page; selectClient scopes
; click onAdd client scope
; select theprofile
client; click onAdd
and then onDefault

- ake note of the

Step 3 - Collect CA certificates and secrets¶
Before proceeding, take note of some CA generated values:
ca bundle
: -
ca issuer kid
ca issuer password
Step 4 - Upgrade the Suite configuration¶
Edit the values.yaml
file and add the values collected in the previous steps:
Run the helm upgrade
command (with issuer enabled):
helm upgrade --namespace icos-core core1 oci:// --values values.yaml
If you get the following error:
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: resource mapping not found for name: "icos-step-ca-issuer" namespace: "" from "": no matches for kind "StepClusterIssuer" in version ""
fix it by running the following and re-executing the previous command:
Finally, force the re-creation of the step-issuer and lightouse pods:
kubectl delete pod --namespace icos-core -l ""
kubectl delete pod --namespace icos-core -l ""
If the installation is successful, the following pods should be running and in Ready
❯ kubectl get pods -n icos-core
core1-cert-manager-cainjector-6bcd4d946-wr9kv 1/1 Running 0 24h
core1-cert-manager-controller-6d8fffd985-927bw 1/1 Running 0 24h
core1-cert-manager-webhook-584654d5-c4kxp 1/1 Running 0 24h
core1-icos-lighthouse-b7b44b6dc-6jn2b 1/1 Running 0 20h
core1-keycloak-0 1/1 Running 0 24h
core1-nginx-ingress-controller-default-backend-5cd59c4c4b-khfmj 1/1 Running 0 24h
core1-nginx-ingress-controller-fddbd549-m87ss 1/1 Running 0 24h
core1-postgresql-0 1/1 Running 0 24h
core1-step-certificates-0 1/1 Running 0 24h
core1-step-issuer-67578656cd-94tx2 2/2 Running 0 24h
If the installation is working properly, after few minutes the following three certificates should have been created and in status Ready