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Telemetry Dashboards

Each ICOS Controller includes a Grafana instance to support ICOS administrators to visualize the metrics collected in the system through a set of pre-defined dashboards. Since this interface is not meant to be used directly by ICOS Application Integrators, it is not exposed by default to the extern.

Access to Grafana

The Grafana instance is deployed by default in each ICOS Controller, but not exposed to the extern by default. There are two ways to access it:

  1. (temporary solution) use the kubectl port-forward command1:

    # namespace and service name to be customized
    kubectl -n icos-system port-forward svc/contrl1-grafana 3000:3000

  2. (permanent solution) modify the ICOS Controller release Helm values to expose Grafana:

          exposeGrafana: true
    In this case, Grafana will be exposed accordingly to the exposure settings defined for the ICOS Controller (see Exposure section)

Once Grafana is exposed it is possible to open its URL in the browser and log-in:

  1. using the admin user. The password can be retrieved from the cluster in the <Release Name>-grafana-admin secret:

    # namespace and service name to be customized
    kubectl -n icos-system get secret contrl1-grafana-admin -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d

  2. Using the ICOS IAM service (Click on Sign-in with ICOS IAM*). This require the IAM Service to be properly configured. Please refer to the next section: IAM Congfiguration for Grafana.

IAM Configuration for Grafana

In order to use the IAM service to log-in in Grafana, an ad-hoc configuration is needed for the OpenID Client created for Grafana.

  1. Open the Grafana client details
  2. Set the Root URL, Home URL, Web origins fields to the public URL of Grafana (make sure to also add the port even if it is the standard one - e.g. :443)
  3. Set the Valid redirect URIs to the Grafana public URL + /login/generic_oauth
ICOS Agent View Dashboard
ICOS Agent View Dashboard
  1. In the Client scopes section, make sure that the following scopes are enabled and added as Default: email, offline_access, profile and roles.

  2. In the Roles section, create the following roles: admin, editor, viewer.

More information can be retrieved also from the official Grafana documentation.

ICOS Agent View Dashboard

The ICOS Agent View dashboards provide an overview of the entire ICOS Continuum.

ICOS Agent View Dashboard
ICOS Agent View Dashboard
